What's the Purpose of Life? Strange life thoughts!

What's The purpose of my life? Thoughts! 

Meaning of life, purpose of living, point of living. purpose of life.

Why Am I Here?

I'm sure you've wondered why you're here, or why you were born. Despite the fact that there are numerous answers available to these questions, most of which are found in religions, People are still asking this question; every young adolescent will ask it at some point, and most of the time, people don't really give it much thought, preferring to ignore as much as possible.

Why do such thoughts come in the mind?

Thoughts, Thinking, deep thinking, Life quotes, Life thinking, Life lessons

There could be a variety of reasons, both explainable and unexplainable. For unexplainable, we can say that these thoughts can be from God. He's probably giving us a heads-up that we should start searching for him. There are also some explainable reasons for having such thoughts, for example, as a person grows, his mind develops, and mind development happens when you think and contemplate a lot, and what makes you think deeply are these thoughts that get stuck in the mind of a person with an underdeveloped mind. So these thoughts basically help him to grow more and also one more thing that these are not the only thoughts that come in mind and confuse it, there are also other so many thoughts too that confuse and indirectly help the infants to grow their thinking more deeply and many more etc. So, in short, we should consider these thoughts rather than trying to throw them out of our heads because trust me, these thoughts have a natural connection to you. A person that doesn't think much is a dead man.

Personal experience about such Thoughts.

I personally have long journey of experiencing such thoughts. For instance, who's God? Does God exist? Which is the right religion? What's the real happiness and satisfaction to have in this world? Can you live happily without money?There were a lot of thoughts that confused me, but they all cleared up with time, not because I just started ignoring them, but because I figured satisfactory answers to them, and the answers weren't like something that could only be subjective to me personally because I always thought of the thoughts through the world view and perspective, so what I figured can be applied to anyone who is suffering from such thoughts.

Life, Life quotes, meaningful quotes, Purpose of living

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